When a fire breaks out in an organisation's building, this obviously has an enormous impact. Apart from the (personal) safety risks, fires often cause long-term discontinuity of business operations, which in some cases even brings down the entire company or organisation. Unica offers solutions that can prevent fires or limit the damage in the event of a fire.
As one of the largest players in the area of fire safety in the Netherlands, Unica has a clear mission: contributing to fire-safe living and work environments. The starting point is that the fire protection solutions comply with the statutory requirements and regulations, but within these statutory fire safety requirements there are of course various possibilities to achieve the safest and most effective fire protection for an organisation. Unica offers fire protection facilities that are tailored to an organisation's activities, ranging from sprinkler to water fog and extinguishing gas solutions.
Unica not only advises on, designs and implements the necessary fire protection facilities, but also provides training on and (corrective) management of the fire protection systems. At Unica, we explore together with our clients what the optimal options are to ensure the fire safety of buildings, and we offer the best solution for every situation.